Setting up your new office: telecommunications and broadband

Setting up your new office: telecommunications and broadband

When you’re opening a new office there are so many things to think about. From choosing the right chairs, to setting up your website to hiring an amazing new team, the list goes on. One thing that’s absolutely vital to your business is communications and making sure your customers and clients can get in touch with you straight away. With over 20 years of experience in providing telecom solutions, we’ve put together some pointers for setting up communications in your new office.

Keep it simple

Often in business, the best thing you can do is to keep it simple. Instead of having loads of phone numbers for different companies, getting quotes from all over the place and starting several different contracts, wouldn’t it be great if one company could handle everything for you? Choose a company that can provide you with a complete network solution for your whole office, and offer a range of reliable equipment, affordable solutions and competitive pricing – this way you know you’re getting a great deal.

Save time

Setting up your Local Area Network, looking for the best deals on business mobile services, setting up your internet connection, and creating an infrastructure that’s fit for purpose can be a big task. RHM Telecommunications can offer complete network solutions, managing your infrastructure and setting up your business network for you. Choosing a streamlined and efficient network means you have more time to focus on the other areas that are essential to setting up your new office.

Ensure you’ve got the support you need

We’ve all been there when the phone lines have gone down or the internet’s going at a snail’s pace. Times like that can be super stressful, so you need to know you’ve got your tech support in place just in case. Choose a provider that can also install overlay monitoring software which will continuously monitor devices and contact tech support if there’s a problem automatically. While you’re opening your new office, you need your communications to be on point, so having one contact to help with any issues is a huge advantage.

Get in touch with us via our contact form or phone us on 0345 136 60 60 and see how we can help you set up your new office and provide the very best solution for you.

Need more information or advice? Call us now 0345 136 60 60

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