Three reasons Wave 2 WiFi could be delivering more for small businesses

There’s been a lot of talk about the new Wave 2 wireless standard this year. Wave 2 Access Points (APs) now account for roughly 60% of all AP sales in the Enterprise space, and although the uptake from small businesses has been slow, that’s now starting to change. To help you position a Wave 2…

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Wired vs. wifi connections – which is the better option for your business?

If you’ve decided to invest in a high-quality internet connection for your business, it might be you’re unsure whether you should go for a wifi or wired connection. With that in mind, we’re going to go through the different pros and cons of both here.   Wireless connection benefits Wireless connections offer a lot of…

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How a broadband connection can help you gain new business

A high-quality, efficient internet connection can bring a range of well-known benefits to any company. However, many business often aren’t aware of the positive impact it can have on the one thing that really matters: gaining new clients. How can your web connection impact this? Let’s have a look. It demonstrates a professional attitude In the…

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How can a fast business internet connection improve your bottom line?

A high-quality broadband connection is one of those things that some businesses don’t consider worth the extra investment. However, this is a bit of a false economy. Here, we’re going to take a look at the ways in which a faster business internet connection can actually help your bottom line. It’ll make you more efficient Let’s say…

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How to optimise your company’s broadband speed

If you’ve invested in high-quality broadband for your business, you should always enjoy a great connection. However, there are a number of things you can do to further optimise your business internet. Here are some of the best. Ensure your browsers are up to date Obvious, right? You might be surprised. Many businesses simply don’t…

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Auto attendant or receptionist: what’s best for business?

One of the many business phone service options available to help improve efficiency and customer experience is an auto attendant. Callers into your company will receive a welcoming automated message, followed by a list of options. They press the correct number to be put through to a specific service, department or individual. This offers substantial…

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GDPR – do businesses need to examine networks and internet links?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be introduced in less than a year but a recent survey has highlighted that the majority of businesses haven’t yet put provisions in place to ensure compliance. Worse still, many of the solutions for GDPR compliance involve moving services to the cloud. Companies don’t seem to appreciate that…

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Does your business need a fibre leased line?

Whilst a reliable internet connection is attractive to consumers, it’s absolutely vital for businesses. In addition to attracting clients and customers online, most businesses rely on the internet in order to operate efficiently. In-house communication, for example, is generally carried out via email. Similarly, payroll systems and staff management are often dealt with using IT…

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Don’t let technology overshadow business basics

Technology means businesses can run cleaner and leaner – processes can be automated and time can be saved, and control and measurement is achieved throughout the customer experience. What is wrong with that? Well nothing really, apart from when technology is running your business, instead of you doing it. Modern machinery, software and data analytics…

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Tips for strengthening your BYOD mobile application management strategy

The rise of the ‘Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD) phenomenon means that consumer apps in the workplace have now become the norm for many organisations. However, if you don’t implement robust mobile application management strategies, BYOD could present a very real threat to your business’s security. Keep apps consistent Rather than allowing users to download…

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