How video conferencing can save your business money

Increasing fuel costs, busy transport networks and expensive hotels are all good reasons to avoid travelling to business meetings if this can possibly be avoided. Video conferencing can offer your business a viable alternative, making expensive, time-consuming business travel virtually a thing of the past. More and more organisations want to be “seen to be…

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The benefits of fibre broadband for your business

Whatever the size of your business, fibre broadband has become an essential. Whether you’re a solopreneur, a small business, or a corporation with hundred of employees, fibre broadband guarantees your work gets done in the most efficient manner possible. Gone are the days when progress was limited by slow connections and download caps. Broadband services…

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How to ensure your business survives broadband downtime

If there’s one thing a business relies on – other than its employees – it’s a good internet connection. But what do you do when you lose access to the internet? In 2016, UK businesses lost three days on average to downtime. Here’s our quick guide on how to reduce the damage caused by a…

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Can your employees work from their smartphones?

Smartphones are becoming a key business tool, it’s rare for meetings to go past without someone pulling out their smartphone to check a fact or look up an email. But just how much work can be done on a business mobile? Are they an area worth investing in significantly? Let’s look at what you can…

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The Wannacry ransomware worm is an alert for business IT

The Wannacry worm, that is encrypting data on PCs around the world and holding it for digital ransom, might make good stories for the newspapers, but it creates a welcome alarm call for business IT and network managers. Reading behind the scary tabloid headlines, we see that most businesses had from March to protect themselves…

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RHM becomes recognised as an official Crown Commercial Service Supplier

RHM are proud to announce that they have just attained accreditation onto G Cloud 9 Procurement Framework. What this means is that we are recognised as an official Crown Commercial Service Supplier. This will enable any Government, Health, Education or Blue Lamp organisation to procure our SIP Trunk and Hosted Voice Services through the online…

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Should you be offering free WiFi to your customers?

Not so long ago, free WiFi was only offered by large chains, but with the availability of WiFi spreading, is it time for you to offer free WiFi to your guests? Due to connected smartphones and a large portion of the population enjoying super-fast broadband at home, customer expectation has risen, so if you want…

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Key trends in telephony

As a major provider of telephony technology to SMEs and larger businesses, RHM Telecommunications is always keen to be on top of fast-paced developments. The future is unfolding faster than ever and as a top telephony provider, we remain ahead of the game on your behalf. Here are a few of the key telephony trends…

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What are the major parties promising when it comes to broadband?

The General Election is a few weeks away and both the Conservatives and Labour have released their manifestos in a bid to win over the British public. Telecommunications are both mentioned, with both parties appearing to recognise the importance of investing in infrastructure that will help businesses grow in the digital age. Prime Minister Theresa…

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Evolving business telephony (VoIP) through the Internet

The sophistication of broadband provision, mobile telephony, business internet and software developments means that it is easier than ever to be an independent product producer or service provider for business telephony. With the freedom and autonomy to work for oneself the internet provides, you can obtain a satisfactory work/life balance while consistently earning a good…

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