Our Tech Team’s Top 5 Time Saving Comms Features

At RHM we’ve seen a huge amount of technology come and go. In the current business environment efficiency is everything. If a piece of technology slows you and your team down, it doesn’t last long. Especially with the rise of remote working, teams have adopted a whole range of new services to speed up their…

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Nick’s Top 8 Online Collaboration Tools

Online collaboration is essential to the way that we work, whether you’re back in the office or still looking to maintain more flexible practices. Even if you’re very happy to see the back of mute buttons and virtual meetings, there are still many collaboration services that I think can be incredibly useful to you, especially…

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Making remote working accessible for Healthcare staff

Remote working has become the focus for a huge number of industries in recent years, and healthcare is no different. There are now dozens of roles within the NHS and private healthcare providers that require staff to work on the go. From in-home carers to GPs carrying out appointments from home over the phone. Adopting…

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Steps you need to take to create lasting change

The world of business is changing. The office is no longer the number one working destination for many of us. Many teams are now taking advantage of a hybrid or fully remote approach to work. There’s plenty of benefits to this new model, from productivity to morale through to accessing a new pool of talent….

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How well is your workforce performing?

Can you currently monitor homeworker productivity?   Do you know how many calls your business is losing?   RHM can help you monitor your workforce from just £1.95 per month. RHM have helped many of their clients set up home or flexible working over the past 15 months. Once the technology is in place however…

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Does one size really fit all?

For many years, we at RHM have been billing all of our own services and therefore our customers have always had the benefit of having one bill regardless of the variety of mobile networks their users might be on (O2, Vodafone, EE and or 3). This set up works very well but until now this…

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iPECS ONE – The next generation of PC and Mobile based communication.

  iPECS ONE is the next generation of mobile and & PC-based voice and video communications. PC users and IT managers no longer need to download applications and manage software releases with iPECS ONE on PCs. iPECS ONE is built on WebRTC, allowing PC-based users to setup voice, video and chat sessions quickly and easily…

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With hospitality returning soon, now is the time to grow your business

Growth software for your hospitality business, fuelled by smarter marketing.     Get to know your customers. Like, really know them.   A staggering 61% of hospitality businesses say their biggest challenge is generating customer data. That’s why our smarter marketing starts with finding out as much information as possible about your customers. You see,…

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BT have stopped selling traditional business phone lines

It may be the UK’s best kept secret with the Global Coronavirus pandemic, Brexit impact, Megxit fallout and the future of work consuming all the air time and social media channels, but another revolution is quietly happening in the UK telecoms industry … The closure of the PSTN networks and the transition to all-VoIP networks…

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